- ignoramus 20160414.709(in MELPA)
- Ignore backups, build files, et al.
そこで ignoramus.el を使って、それらを統一してしまいましょう。
- 無視すべき対象の設定がものすごく多い
- 多くのパッケージに対応している
- 新しいパッケージに簡単に対応させられる
以下の設定を ~/.emacs.d/init.el の
(package-initialize) (setq package-archives '(("gnu" . "http://elpa.gnu.org/packages/") ("melpa" . "http://melpa.org/packages/") ("org" . "http://orgmode.org/elpa/")))
M-x package-install ignoramus
M-x package-install package-utils (初めてアップグレードする場合のみ) M-x package-utils-upgrade-by-name ignoramus
(ignoramus-setup) を実行すると、以下の変数が設定されます。
- ファイル名補完
- completion-ignored-extensions
- completion-ignored-extensions
- vc
- vc-directory-exclusion-list
- vc-directory-exclusion-list
- grep
- grep-find-ignored-files
- grep-find-ignored-directories
- grep-find-ignored-files
- shell
- shell-completion-fignore
- shell-completion-fignore
- comint
- comint-completion-fignore
- comint-completion-fignore
- nav
- nav-boring-file-regexps
- nav-boring-file-regexps
- ido
- ido-ignore-directories
- ido-ignore-files
- ido-ignore-directories
- eshell
- eshell-cmpl-file-ignore
- eshell-cmpl-dir-ignore
- eshell-cmpl-file-ignore
- dired
- dired-garbage-files-regexp
- dired-omit-extensions
- dired-omit-files
- dired-garbage-files-regexp
- projectile
- projectile-ignored-extension-p 関数を定義
- projectile-ignored-extension-p 関数を定義
- speedbar
- speedbar-directory-unshown-regexp
- speedbar-file-unshown-regexp
- speedbar-directory-unshown-regexp
- pcomplete
- pcomplete-dir-ignore
- pcomplete-file-ignore
- pcomplete-dir-ignore
ignoramus-do-ignore-ACTION 関数を定義し、
ignoramus-known-actions にACTIONを追加します。
(require 'ignoramus) (defun ignoramus-do-ignore-ACTION () (setq ACTION-directory-exclusion-list ignoramus-file-basename-exact-names)) (push 'ACTION ignoramus-known-actions) (ignoramus-setup)
関数の内容は M-x find-function で
ignoramus-do-ignore-vc などの定義を参考にしてください。
(push ".hoge" 'ignoramus-file-basename-endings)
(defcustom ignoramus-file-basename-endings '( ".386" ; compiled binary ".a" ; compiled binary ".acn" ; latex ".acr" ; latex ".alg" ; latex ".ap_" ; android ".apk" ; android "_archive" ; emacs org-mode ".asv" ; matlab "-autoloads.el" ; emacs package.el ".aux" ; latex ".bak" ; generic ".bbl" ; bibtex ".beam" ; erlang ".bin" ; compiled binary ".blg" ; bibtex ".cgo1.go" ; go ".cgo2.c" ; go ".chi" ; haskell ".chi.h" ; haskell ".class" ; java compiled ".com" ; compiled binary ".cp" ; texinfo ".cps" ; texinfo ".d64fsl" ; LISP ".dcu" ; delphi ".dep" ; make ".dex" ; android ".dfsl" ; LISP ".dll" ; compiled binary ".drc" ; delphi ".drv" ; compiled binary ".dvi" ; latex ".dx32fsl" ; LISP ".dx64fsl" ; LISP ".dxl" ; LISP ".dylib" ; compiled binary ".ear" ; java ".elc" ; emacs ".esproj" ; espresso "-Ex.R" ; R ".exe" ; compiled binary ".fas" ; LISP ".fasl" ; LISP ".fdb_latexmk" ; latex ".fmx" ; oracle ".fn" ; texinfo ".fns" ; texinfo ".fsl" ; LISP ".fx32fsl" ; LISP ".fx64fsl" ; LISP ".gcda" ; gcov ".gcno" ; gcov ".gcov" ; gcov ".glg" ; latex ".glo" ; latex ".gls" ; latex ".gmo" ; gettext ".hi" ; haskell ".identcache" ; delphi ".ilg" ; latex ".ilk" ; visualstudio ".iml" ; intellij ".ind" ; latex ".ipr" ; intellij ".ist" ; latex ".iws" ; intellij ".jar" ; java ".ky" ; texinfo ".kys" ; texinfo ".la" ; libtool ".lai" ; libtool ".launch" ; eclipse ".lbin" ; compiled binary ".lib" ; LISP ".lnk" ; ms-windows ".lo" ; libtool ".lock" ; generic ".lof" ; latex ".lot" ; latex ".lx32fsl" ; LISP ".lx64fsl" ; LISP ".maf" ; latex ".mem" ; LISP ".min.js" ; minified js "-min.js" ; minified js ".mmx" ; oracle ".mo" ; gettext ".moved-aside" ; xcode ".mtc" ; latex ".mtc0" ; latex ".nav" ; latex ".nlo" ; latex ".o" ; compiled binary ".obj" ; compiled binary ".opensdf" ; visualstudio ".orig" ; patch ".p64fsl" ; LISP ".pdfsync" ; latex ".pfsl" ; LISP ".pg" ; texinfo ".pgs" ; texinfo ".pid" ; various ".pidb" ; monodevelop ".plt" ; erlang ".plx" ; oracle ".pot" ; django ".psess" ; visualstudio ".Publish.xml" ; visualstudio ".pyc" ; python ".pyd" ; python ".pydevproject" ; eclipse ".pyo" ; python ".rbc" ; ruby ".rej" ; patch ".sassc" ; sass ".scc" ; visualstudio ".sdf" ; visualstudio ".seed" ; node ".sln.docstates" ; visualstudio ".slo" ; compiled binary ".snm" ; latex ".so" ; shared library ".sparcf" ; LISP ".sublime-project" ; sublimetext ".sublime-workspace" ; sublimetext ".suo" ; visualstudio ".swo" ; vim ".swp" ; vim ".sx32fsl" ; LISP ".sx64fsl" ; LISP ".synctex.gz" ; latex ".ttc" ; template toolkit ".tfm" ; latex ".tmproj" ; textmate ".tmproject" ; textmate ".toc" ; latex ".tp" ; texinfo ".tps" ; texinfo ".ufsl" ; LISP ".un~" ; vim ".vr" ; texinfo ".vrb" ; latex ".vrs" ; texinfo ".vsp" ; visualstudio ".vspscc" ; visualstudio ".vssscc" ; visualstudio ".vxd" ; ms-windows driver ".war" ; java ".wx32fsl" ; LISP ".wx64fsl" ; LISP ".x86f" ; LISP ".xdy" ; latex ".zwc" ; zsh "~" ; emacs ;; ".fmt" ; latex ;; ".idx" ; latex ;; ".log" ; database ;; ".out" ; latex ;; ".map" ; various ;; ".ln" ; ms-windows ) "List of file endings to ignore. These are not regular expressions, but literal strings which occur at the ends of file names to ignore." :type '(repeat string) :group 'ignoramus-patterns) (defcustom ignoramus-file-basename-beginnings '( ".#" ; emacs "core." ; unix "._" ; thumbnails "_cgo_export." ; go ) "List of file beginnings to ignore. These are not regular expressions, but literal strings which occur at the beginnings of file or directory names to ignore. The string to match comprises only the last element of a fully-qualified pathname." :type '(repeat string) :group 'ignoramus-patterns) (defcustom ignoramus-file-basename-exact-names '( "$RECYCLE.BIN" ; ms-windows ".AppleDouble" ; OS X ".DS_Store" ; OS X ".DocumentRevisions-V100" ; OS X ".LSOverride" ; OS X ".Rhistory" ; R ".Spotlight-V100" ; OS X ".TemporaryItems" ; OS X ".Trashes" ; OS X ".actionScriptProperties" ; actionscript ".apt_generated" ; gwt ".bdfcache.el" ; emacs ps-bdf ".build" ; perl ".buildpath" ; eclipse ".builds" ; visualstudio ".bzr" ; bazaar ".cdv" ; codeville ".classpath" ; eclipse ".com.apple.timemachine.donotpresent" ; OS X ".com.apple.timemachine.supported" ; OS X ".coverage" ; python ".cproject" ; eclipse ".directory" ; KDE ".dropbox" ; dropbox ".dropbox.cache" ; dropbox ".emacs-places" ; emacs saveplace ".emacs.desktop" ; emacs desktop.el ".emacs.desktop.lock" ; emacs desktop.el ".eunit" ; erlang ".externalToolBuilders" ; eclipse ".flexProperties" ; actionscript ".fseventsd" ; OS X ".git" ; git ".hg" ; mercurial ".idea" ; various ".idlwave" ; emacs idlwave ".ido.last" ; emacs ido-mode ".kkcrc" ; emacs kkc Kana Kanji converter ".last_cover_stats" ; perl ".lein-deps-sum" ; leiningen ".loadpath" ; eclipse ".netrwhist" ; vim ".notes" ; emacs org-mode / remember.el ".org-id-locations" ; emacs org-mode ".pc" ; quilt ".project" ; eclipse ".projectile" ; emacs projectile ".prove" ; perl ".puppet-bak" ; puppet ".quickurls" ; emacs quickurl ".recentf" ; emacs recentf ".redcar" ; redcar ".rspec" ; rails ".sass-cache" ; sass ".scala_dependencies" ; scala ".shadow_todo" ; emacs shadowfile ".shadows" ; emacs shadowfile ".strokes" ; emacs strokes.el ".svn" ; subversion ".timelog" ; emacs timeclock ".todo-do" ; emacs todo-mode ".todo-done" ; emacs todo-mode ".todo-top" ; emacs todo-mode ".tox" ; python ".type-break" ; emacs type-break ".vip" ; emacs viper-mode ".viper" ; emacs viper-mode ".wmncach.el" ; emacs WoMan ".yardoc" ; yard "_MTN" ; monotone "__history" ; delphi "_bdfcache.el" ; emacs ps-bdf "_build" ; perl "_cgo_defun.c" ; go "_cgo_gotypes.go" ; go "_darcs" ; darcs "_obj" ; go "_sgbak" ; vault "_site" ; jekyll "_test" ; go "_testmain.go" ; go "_yardoc" ; yard "aclocal.m4" ; automake "auto-save-list" ; emacs "autom4te.cache" ; autoconf "bin-debug" ; various "bin-release" ; various "blib" ; perl "build" ; various "Build" ; various "Build.bat" ; perl "COMMIT_EDITMSG" ; git "cmake_install.cmake" ; cmake "CMakeCache.txt" ; cmake "CMakeFiles" ; cmake "cover_db" ; perl "cscope.csd" ; cscope "cscope.files" ; cscope "cscope.inc" ; cscope "cscope.lst" ; cscope "cscope.out" ; cscope "cscope.out.po" ; cscope "cscope.tmplist" ; cscope "CVS" ; CVS "Debug" ; various "debug" ; various "depcomp" ; automake "DerivedData" ; xcode "Desktop.ini" ; ms-windows "ehthumbs.db" ; ms-windows "GHI_ISSUE" ; git ghi "git-rebase-todo" ; git "gwt-unitCache" ; gwt "gwt_bree" ; gwt "install-sh" ; automake "install_manifest.txt" ; cmake "InstalledFiles" ; ruby "Makefile.in" ; automake "Makefile.old" ; perl "MCVS" ; meta-CVS "META.yml" ; perl "MERGE_MSG" ; git "minimal-session-saver-data.el" ; emacs minimal-session-saver "MYMETA.yml" ; perl "nbbuild" ; netbeans "nbdist" ; netbeans "nosetests.xml" ; python "nytprof" ; perl "nytprof.out" ; perl "perltidy.ERR" ; perl "pm_to_blib" ; perl "Profile" ; various "profile" ; various "RCS" ; RCS "Release" ; various "release" ; various "SCCS" ; SCCS "Session.vim" ; vim "slprj" ; matlab "SQUASH_MSG" ; git "TAGS" ; ctags/etags "TAG_EDITMSG" ; git "tags" ; ctags/etags "TestResult" ; visualstudio "testresult" ; visualstudio "Thumbs.db" ; ms-windows "tmtags" ; textmate "xcuserdata" ; xcode "xhtml-loader.rnc" ; emacs nxhtml "{arch}" ; arch - todo is this correct? "~.dep" ; xcode "~.dot" ; xcode "~.nib" ; xcode "~.plst" ; xcode "test.out" ; generic testing "test_out" ; generic testing "test.output" ; generic testing "test_output" ; generic testing ) "List of exact filenames to ignore. These are not regular expressions, but literal strings which exactly match a file or directory name to ignore. The string to match comprises only the last element of a fully-qualified pathname." :type '(repeat string) :group 'ignoramus-patterns) (defcustom ignoramus-file-basename-regexps '( "\\`#.*#\\'" ; emacs "\\`.*\\.mex[^.]*\\'" ; matlab "\\`Icon.?\\'" ; OS X thumbnails "\\`\\..*\\.sw[a-z]\\'" ; vim "\\`\\.yas.*\\.el\\'" ; emacs yasnippet "\\`\\..*~undo-tree~\\'" ; emacs undo-tree "\\`bzr_log\\.[[:alnum:]]+\\'" ; emacs "\\`hg-editor-[[:alnum:]]+\\.txt\\'" ; emacs "\\`svn-commit\\.tmp\\'" ; emacs "\\`zshecl[0-9]+\\'" ; zsh "\\`bash-fc-[0-9]+\\'" ; bash "\\.\\(BACKUP\\|LOCAL\\|BASE\\|REMOTE\\)\\.[0-9]\\{3,\\}" ; git ) "List of regexps matching filenames to ignore. The string to match comprises only the last element of a fully-qualified pathname." :type '(repeat regexp) :group 'ignoramus-patterns)
設定 150219065230.ignoramus.el(以下のコードと同一)
(require 'dired-x) (require 'ignoramus) (ignoramus-setup)